Mostyn Law has represented more than 50,000 plaintiffs in defective product cases across the country.
We hold negligent companies and manufacturers accountable when they sell defective products to consumers that cause harm. We’ve handled cases involving dangerous drugs, faulty wheelchairs, defective cars, trucks, lawnmowers, machinery, medical devices, mesh products, and many other types of products. There are countless improperly functioning devices on the market that have proven harmful time and again due to faulty design, manufacturing, packaging defects, and/or failures to warn consumers about potential hazards.
Our attorneys are committed to defending the rights of people who have suffered serious injuries or death due to a defective product on the market.
If you or a loved one have been injured, contact us for a free case evaluation.
Defective Product Lawsuit Examples
Because any product can be defective, any product can cause harm. Consequences of defective products can range from economic loss to physical endangerment, injury, or even death. Mostyn Law has represented thousands of defective product victims over the years and recovered millions on their behalf.
Vehicle manufacturers
At Mostyn Law, we have represented clients against vehicle manufacturers for defective vehicle features that caused harm. For example, our attorneys recovered a substantial settlement for a client who is a paraplegic and suffered third-degree burns due to a defective seat heater.
In a survey, the Bureau of Transportation Statistics notes that about ten percent of the American population has a mobility-related disability, and that "over half (57.8 percent) of all respondents with disabilities use one or more medical devices," including wheelchairs. Americans with disabilities should be able to rely on their wheelchairs to not only keep them mobile but also to keep them safe. Mostyn Law recovered a confidential settlement for a child who suffered pain and suffering and mental anguish due to a defective wheelchair.
Mesh products
Throughout the country, Mostyn Law has represented more than 20,000 individuals across the country for defective transvaginal mesh and hernia mesh resulting in more than half a billion dollars in settlements for those victims. More than 100,000 lawsuits were filed with victims claiming that transvaginal mesh products lead to “pain, bleeding, infection, organ perforation, and autoimmune problems,” according to Drug Watch. In this litigation, our attorneys went toe to toe with some of the largest medical device manufacturers in the world and prevailed on behalf of our clients.
Defective appliances, devices, and other products
Whether it’s a general household appliance, electronic, vehicle, or another device—negligence in the manufacturing process can cause serious injuries to consumers. We are here to help.
A refrigerator with an inherently unstable design that topples over easily can cause serious injury—especially to small children. Defective appliances can cause various injuries including burns, cuts, fractures, sprains, internal damage to vital organs, and even death. If you’ve been a victim of a defective appliance contact us today.
Defective electronics can be just as dangerous. Malfunctioning electrical devices may cause fatal electrocution or non-fatal electric shock, burns from overheating, explosions from gas build-up, poisoning from emissions like carbon monoxide, and fatalities for everyday consumers. Known culprits include devices with exposed or faulty wiring, lawn care tools like lawn mowers, outdoor equipment like electric or gas-powered grills, lighting equipment like lamps, large household appliances like boilers, and small household appliances like toasters.
According to the NSC, consumer product injuries increased by 6.8% in 2021 after decreasing by 18% in 2020. Lemon Laws vary by jurisdiction, but in general, they grant protection to buyers from purchasing faulty vehicles and also potentially apply to other consumer goods, including consumer appliances.
If you or a loved one has been injured by a defective appliance, device, vehicle, or product of any kind, contact Mostyn Law. Our legal experts will fight aggressively to get you the justice you deserve.
Defective Product Lawsuit FAQs
How do you file a Camp Lejeune toxic water lawsuit?Contact Mostyn Law and we will help you get the money you deserve for your Camp Lejeune injury by walking you through each step of the legal process. We start by gathering your service, employment, and medical records so we can verify your case, and then we’ll proceed with submitting the documentation required by the Navy’s legal division.
Is Camp Geiger part of the Camp Lejeune contamination?No. While Camp Geiger is a small base within the surrounding Camp Lejeune marine base, the water at Camp Geiger was not contaminated. However, if you encountered the toxic water from Camp Lejeune during your residency at Camp Geiger, you may still be entitled to financial compensation.
How do you qualify for a Camp Lejeune toxic water lawsuit?Even if your deceased loved one died from a terminal disease or condition, and you didn’t make the connection to the Camp Lejeune water contamination until years later, there is still a chance you may be eligible to file a Camp Lejeune toxic water lawsuit. If you worked or lived at Camp Lejeune between 1953 and 1987 and wish to file a lawsuit for death or injury, contact Mostyn Law for assistance. Once we verify your case and all documentation, we will walk you through the claim process every step of the way and make sure you get the compensation you deserve.
Experienced Defective Product Attorneys
Have you been injured by a defective product? If you or someone you love has suffered injury or death as a result of a defective product, you may be entitled to substantial compensation.
Chrysler Recalls 111,700 Grand Cherokees
A Mostyn Law client suffered third degree burns and had to spend months in the hospital because the seat warmers on his new Jeep Grand Cherokee reached scalding temperatures. Because he was a paraplegic he only noticed the problem when he smelled something burning. His hospital bills topped $900,000 and he had to receive several skin grafts.
Mostyn Law worked with experts who tested the electric seat heaters in 2003 and 2004 Jeep Grand Cherokees. Their scientific testing showed the seat heaters were a fire hazard that could reach up to 165 degrees and cause severe injury to passengers.
Mostyn Law worked diligently throughout the process to expose the dangers associated with the seat warmers. By discovering critical forensic evidence and thoroughly examining documents, Mostyn Law was able to successfully resolve the severe burn litigation for our client. The Chrysler Group recalled 111,700 Grand Cherokees to replace their seat warmers.